Manetos Smart Heating Family: The Heart of the Home

Intelligent Temperature Control System by Nikolaus Frank and Cecilia Frank

Manetos Smart Heating Family, an innovative temperature control system, is designed to be the heart of the home. This advanced and adaptive system, designed by Nikolaus Frank and Cecilia Frank, supports all types of modular heating and is equipped with sensors that learn about the house to save energy and improve comfort.

The inspiration behind the Manetos Smart Heating Family is to create a system that reflects environmental concerns and intelligent systems for comfort and heat management. The design work was carried out in close cooperation with the company's technical department, with a keen understanding of the market’s needs. The different units of the system all carry the pulsing heart, a set of RGB LEDs that change color and pulse to indicate system status and activity.

What makes this design unique is its advanced and adaptive temperature control system. The system learns about the house, accumulating information to save energy and improve comfort. The design was carried out with user studies and interviews, with RGB LEDs in the pulsing heart indicating system status and activity. The temperature units rely on e-paper displays for low energy consumption and clear, crisp graphics.

The Manetos Smart Heating Family is realized using a variety of materials and technologies. The base unit is made from an aluminum frame with a polycarbonate back cover and an acrylic front glass with back printed graphics. The temperature unit is made of polycarbonate, with a back part with a black rubberized coating, a top cover in metal finish, an acrylic front glass screen printed, an e-paper display, a light sensor, a humidity meter, and a graphic heart and logo.

The system learns how your heating system and house works to optimize heat, save energy and improve comfort. The sensors accumulate information on how your house works and improves operational management that saves as much energy as possible. When at home, optimum comfort temperature is ensured. After one year, 15–30 percent of heating costs should be saved. The temperature units communicate basic information through e-paper displays. The advanced system management and controls are made through a mobile app.

The design project was carried out during 2016. The design work was carried out in close cooperation with the company's technical department as well as with an understanding of the market’s needs for systems that reflect environmental concerns and intelligent systems for comfort and heat management. User studies and interviews were carried out, as well as close observation of the professional installation process, resulting in easily placed and easy to install equipment.

The Manetos Smart Heating Family was awarded Silver in A' Home Appliances Design Award in 2018. The Silver A' Design Award is rewarded to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Nikolaus Frank & Cecilia Frank
Image Credits: Nikolaus Frank
Project Team Members: Industrial designer: Nikolaus Frank Etc. AB Graphic designer: Cecilia Frank
Project Name: Manetos Heat Control
Project Client: Nikolaus Frank & Cecilia Frank

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